Hi All, I hope you are having a wonderful start to the weekend! Emerald is enjoying her newfound freedom of crawling and pulling herself up so she can get close to her puppy.

Cannon is learning about taking pictures and will sometimes say “cheese” and give me a big smile, I just love it.

We enjoyed a wintery day as a storm rolled in. It felt like a good morning to go to the indoor playground so both kids could play.
Emerald and Cannon had a blast and played until it was time to go home for lunch. Cannon is going through a phase where he will cry every time we leave somewhere and he doesn’t want to go yet. It’s not a full on tantrum but I could see that happening in the future. Any parents out there have good tips for dealing with toddlers who don’t want to leave?
It was really starting to snow a lot, so running outside with the kids in the stroller was out for me. You CAN run with the Chariot in the snow but I don’t like to risk falling when it’s just me with the kids.

We ate and then went upstairs to read books before naps. In what felt like nothing short of a miracle both kids fell asleep quickly. It’s like finding a unicorn, Cannon and Emmy both napping at the same time! I used my time to get a short run in and some stretching/stability before Emerald woke up.
I ran listening to the Up and Vanished podcast. I am so happy that I am late to the game on this one and can binge listen to it. I do not listen to it when I run outside in the dark because that would just freak me out too much! But when it’s light or I am on the treadmill it makes the time fly!

I really hope there is some kind of resolution to this one.
When Cannon woke up he requested that Emerald play with him in his crib.

It still amazes me how much these kids love each other. I thought it would take longer before they really bonded, when Emerald could play more with Cannon.

But I will be happily wrong about this one. He talks all the time about his baby sister. He also grabs toys from her and sometimes tells me to put her down when he wants more attention so it’s not all sunshine and roses over here.
Do you have any siblings? Are you close?
It is one of my biggest hopes in life that these two maintain a close bond.
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