It’s been a bit of an adjustment getting used to being back home, back to a routine and dealing with reality. Christmas is still up around the house plus all of the stuff from our trip. There is so. much. laundry. I am just trying to tackle little things when I can and still give the kids time to play as well.

I was getting rid of this years gingerbread house and Emmy needed a picture of it.

We got a little more snow and the kids were so excited to get outside and play since we hadn’t had any snow this season.

They were just as excited to come in and warm up with snacks after.

We had spent the previous day at our neighborhood sledding hill but sadly one of the other families that was there became ill with COVID the next day. We spoke to our doctor and she felt that this counted as an exposure and we would need to quarantine until we get a negative PCR test.
We are bummed that Cannon can’t go back to school and we can’t see friends or family but we will make the best of it.
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