Our weekend was so nice and relaxing, we haven’t had a nice slow weekend in a while. Saturday started off with a soccer game for Cannon.

He seems to really be enjoying soccer more and more, it will be so interesting to see which sport really captures his heart as he gets older.
We spent the afternoon hanging out with my mom and dad, it is so nice now to be able to go over to their house, visit and not worry about infecting them. Today marks exactly two weeks since getting our second vaccination shot and I am so excited to be fully vaccinated! What a wonder science is that we could get a vaccine made so quickly and that so many lives can be saved.
On Sunday we had a very slow easy morning and shared a yummy brunch with my mom for Mother’s Day. Then we went to one of my favorite local places to go for a hike.

Eldorado State Park has many great trails, but my favorite it Rattlesnake Gulch Trail. The trail winds up the side of a canyon with beautiful views the entire way.

At the top you can explore the ruins of a hotel the burned down in 1912. It was just over 3 miles for us and the trail is pretty steep so be prepared to take breaks if you have little kids or people from out of town.
I was so spoiled and made to feel special by my family, but I know so so much that I am the lucky one. I can’t believe I get to be these kids mom, it takes my breath away how much I love them and how amazing I think they are.