When I was a kid I loved Valentine’s Day, I loved getting cards and exchanging them with friends. As I got older I didn’t NOT like it but it just wasn’t a big deal. When it was just Cory and I we would usually do something little or go on a getaway and it was fun but I didn’t like a day that ever felt forced. I much preferred getting flowers and a card on meaningful days from Cory.

Now that we have our kids to shower with love as well it’s twice as much fun to celebrate.
Both kids had parties earlier in the week, Emmy with her neighborhood friends and Cannon with his preschool class.
We gave the kids their Valentine’s baskets and they loved them. It’s always so fun to see them excited about little things.
They were also very excited about the cinnamon rolls they had with breakfast.
Cannon had the day off of school so we hung out, made cards for our friends and family and we to a indoor playground.
For the evening it wasn’t anything too out of the ordinary except we did have some brownies. But other than that it was dinner together (very important to us), bedtime hustle, lots of books and extra snuggles because we love them so much.

What did you do for Valentine’s Day?
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