I hope you had a fun/safe Halloween!

Cannon and I started the day nice and early playing legos. Then we did school stuff that went surprisingly well since the kids were syked it was Halloween.

In the afternoon we tried to go swimming but it was the one day a week that family swim is closed in the afternoon. Emmy was so disappointed and cried. I felt terrible for letting her down but we rallied by going to a playground and got some sunshine.

We have been missing our backyard but this is it’s current state.

The kids do love watching the guys work.

We made pumpkin soup and Mummy dogs for dinner. The kids also enjoyed lemonade that I died black. They enjoy these themed meals almost as much as I do.

Then it was time to get dressed and go out Trick or Treating. Our neighborhood does it up big and there are lots of kids out, it’s really fun!

I love these crazy kids!
Now it’s time to pull down all of Halloween and put up a few things for Thanksgiving. I am trying to hold out a little longer before putting Christmas out this year. The last two years we have put up Christmas really early. In 2020 no one was coming over and we just wanted the happy holiday spirit around. In 2021 we were leaving for a trip half way through December and I couldn’t imagine enjoy our house decorated for only a couple weeks.
When do you start pulling out Christmas decorations?
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