This time of year I always get tired of the heat and ready for it to actually feel like fall. But I am trying really hard to enjoy the moment we are in instead of wanting things to hurry up and change.

We are embracing the still summer like weather by playing in the yard more. I grabbed a bunch of kitchen tools at Dollar Tree for the kids to play with in the yard and water table. We love to play with water beads in the water table as well.

We also ate lunch on the deck before dropping Cannon at school.

And just in case you are in need of a new car seat or need to get rid of one, Target it having a trade in event. We need to upgrade the carseat in the Tahoe for Emmy so we will be taking hers in and getting a new one. The one she is in is old and does not convert from a five point harness. She will likely be in the five point harness for at least another couple years but we want a new one that will convert.
On a random note, do you ever look at your kids and wonder how you ever got so lucky? It is a miracle that they are mine.
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