This week has been free form workouts while recovering from Pacific Crest. Including some strength training and yoga. Winston even got into the action with some Doga, he considers chewing a full body workout. I also had time to map out a training schedule for July that will focus on maintaining triathlon distance and build speed as well as getting in some miles for our ultra marathon in August including a 16 mile trail run tomorrow and a 50 mile bike ride on Monday.
I had my heart set on completing ironman Coeur d’Alene in 2012, and registration is now open. It is SO tempting to just sign up for it and know that my ironman journey is underway. It’s just like me to jump the gun on something big like this. While in Sunriver last week Cory and I spent a lot of time talking about doing an ironman and which one we should do. After looking at the new Mont-Tremblant ironman and Ironman Canada I am wavering a bit. Also The unincorporated Vineman iron distance race has been thrown out as an option as well.
Does anyone have an experience with these races or advice?
Both Coeur d’Alene and Mont-Tremblant are open now and I don’t want to lose out on registering but Canada seems the most interesting but I think it may be really hard to get into. When faced with a big choice we made a list of pros and cons like a good analytical thinkers.
Ironman Mont-Tremblant
- Beautiful course
- Single loop swim
- Mid season (August 19th)
- Inaugural year
- Available to sign up
- (Possibly) challenging climbs on bike course
- Two loop bike
- Two loop run
- Farthest away
- Inaugural year
- Most expensive ($675)
- Beautiful course
- Close-ish
- All single loops
- Mid season August 28th
- $650 ?
- Challenging climbs on bike course
- Hard to get into
Vineman (Sonoma)
- Beautiful course
- Mid season (July 30th)
- Easy course
- Close
- Available to sign up
- Cheap ($325-$425)
- Warm swim
- Small field
- Two loop swim
- Two loop bike
- Three loop run
- Un-incorporated event (this may be a pro?)
Ironman Couer d’Alene
- Beautiful course
- Close to Colorado
- Bike not too difficult
- Relatively easy to get into
- $600
- Early season
- Two loop swim
- Two loop bike
- Two loop run
Any advice, what would you do?
Wow, you’ve got some plans for the year huh!? If it was me…I’d go easy and cheap…but that just me… 🙂
I’ve seen the new Canada one in many blogs and I got to say, looks beautiful, and challenging…I think you should pick it. 🙂
🙂 I know MT is closed… find a location that you’ll be excited about. I’ve heard great things about all of these! Also, really think about the time of year… CdA is early, Vineman a little later, and Canada the latest. That’s a huge thing for me.
Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Canada is supposed to be tough. If IM AZ is a 1, and IM UT is a 10, then IM canada is an 9. At least that’s what ive heard.