After a stormy day yesterday the smoke has been cleared out of the air revealing a gorgeous morning.

We could see the mountains again!

I enjoyed two miles with the kids before school to shake out yesterday’s long run.
While Cannon was at school Emmy and I met some friends at a playground, enjoyed the sunshine and catching up.

Emmy was very happy when Cannon was home from school.

I made them a very random assortment of food for lunch, I never know how much or what they will eat, it changes day to day.

I enjoyed a salad and Kombutcha for lunch, this is one of my favorite meals.

After nap time we hung out in the backyard enjoying the mild 70 degree weather. The wind blew a ton of leaves and pine needles out of our trees so we have some work to do in the yard.
While I made dinner Cory and kids goofed around, they love when Dad is around.

It was one of those days that I almost forgot about the pandemic, it was nice and simple and I spent the day counting my blessings and feeling thankful.
How was your day?
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