August first means all things back to school for us! As usual it feels like it’s just the middle of summer and we shouldn’t be thinking about back to school until September. Colorado doesn’t agree with me and has set the first day of school in mid August.

We are focusing on getting everything organized and ready to go. Also after a very free range summer I need to help the kids get organized and ready to get back to some structure and work. We also want to enjoy our last two weeks of summer the best we can, this includes:
- More time outside
- More time at the pool
- visiting as many playgrounds as possible
- Two last camping trips (we will still camp during the school year but we will have to go for shorter trips around the kids’ school and soccer schedule)
- Enjoy the slow mornings while we can!
I have lots to do to get us ready for school. My Pinterest page is full of fun ideas.

My goals for August are to:
- Create a list of things we want to do and create a schedule
- Get in a routine of getting up early to exercise
- Help the kids transition to school as best I can
- Plan fun meals and activities for their first days of school
July was amazing with lot’s of travel, camping and time with friends.

Tell me something amazing you did in July.
When do your kids go back to school?
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