Baby is now the size of:
Things have gotten a lot better this week than they were last week. My blood pressure has stabilized, at least for now, so no induction this week. I will admit to now feeling pretty overwhelmed. There is a lot to get done and not being able to control when/how this baby will be born stresses me out. I do know that says a lot about me but that’s where I am at. I was excited to finally get my hair done before baby gets here!Sleep: Sleep is still sporadic but a little better now that I have switched up some medication. Acid reflux was keeping me up but now it seems to be under control (yay!)
Maternity clothes / preferred attire: The weather is finally turning here in Colorado so comfy maternity dresses and linen pants are staples. I am also really happy to be able to wear sandals as my feet seem to be perpetually hot.
Symptoms: I am feeling more and more achey in my hips, increasingly painful headaches and general tiredness.
Cravings, aversions and favorite foods: I have been focusing on iron rich foods to make sure that I am not low when I give birth as well as some foods that are supposed to help prep my body and maybe even help me go into labor.
Exercise: Mainly just walking, and probably not enough. I really should add in more prenatal yoga to help ease my aches.
Mood: Impatient.
Missing: Being able to carry Cannon without back pain and putting on shoes easily.
Best moments: Having Cannon help get his sister’s room ready, it’s so cute, he loves to help!
Worst moments: Headaches getting more and more intense and worrying about Preeclampsia. Luckily we are far enough along that all should be fine if I do have to be induced.
Buying: Lots of little things that we might need for baby girl like bibs and sweet little headbands.
Dreaming About: Having my family all home together.
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