We spent most of our “day” flying into London then catching another short flight to Paris.

For the first leg of our flight we had four seats together across the middle and it was so nice to be able snuggle together and try to get some sleep. The kids did pretty well but they definitely didn’t get as much sleep as they usually do.
Our flight from Denver to London was almost two hours late leaving so that made our layover time in London much shorter than we would have liked.

Here we are on the train to a different concourse of Heathrow Airport trying very hard to make our flight to Paris. We made it with very little time to spare.
Once we got into Paris we grabbed a Taxis from the Airport to our hotel in Paris. It was late afternoon and we were tired from our 20ish hours of travel but we wanted to see some of Paris and try to adjust to our new time zone before going to bed.

Our hotel was close to the Eiffel tower so walked to around took in the sights of the Champ de Mars. We grabbed dinner at park venders, played on a playground and marveled at our first sights of the Eiffel Tower.

We stayed out until the lights turned on and it was even more beautiful than I expected.

We didn’t have time or the energy to go up the Eiffel tower that evening so we just enjoyed the sights before taking the train back to our hotel and crashing for the night.
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