Traveling will throw this week off a bit since I don’t return home until late tonight and probably won’t be ready to get up early tomorrow morning for our normal Tuesday swim. So to compensate I am going to try to get a swim in today before leaving Portland. But I can’t wait to get home and see this guy…..

Oh, and my husband.
Here is the plan for this week:
Monday: swim 2700 meters, this will be a good one for today since my legs are still sore from yesterday’s half marathon.
Tuesday: pm- 8-9 mile track workout and hip/core exercises, this might kill me if my legs haven’t recovered.
Wednesday: am- 80 min spin class
pm- 80 min pilates and hip/core exercises
Thursday: am- 2800 m swim
pm 90 min Fartlek run and hip/core exercises
Friday: am- 90 min spin
pm- 80 min strength training
Saturday: Bike focus brick 70 mile ride with a short transition to a 3 mile run
Sunday: 15 mile run, I am hoping for a trail run and at least 60 min strength training
That makes our totals for this week around 22 hours and 158 miles give or take a little. The time training is really starting to add up, now that it’s April its time to buckle down and focus! I knew that April and May would be the hardest months so now I just need to put in the work, no excuses!
What is the most time/distance you have ever trained in a week?
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Hi! I recently found your blog and wow, what an inspiration! I love to run and I have two marathons under my belt and registered for a third. I am secretly dying to purchase a bike though and mix things up a bit! I look forward to reading more about your ironman training and will definitely be cheering you on! What an amazing thing to do!!! You rock!!
Hey Britton- Nice to “meet” you. Awesome job on two marathons and working on your third, so impressive! I have heard that biking will help you run hills better, I am still waiting for that to pay off 😉
Have safe travels home!
Thanks Christi, it’s good to be home!
Ah this is definitely making me realize how CLOSE we are to the race! 11.5 weeks! Sicne I’m recovery from a 70.3 this week is easy but the next two months I’m expecting 18-22 hour weeks. Just reading your schedule for the week makes me tired! 🙂 Anyway, hope it’s going well!
Wow–great workout week! I’m new to your blog…do you guys have a coach, or did you create your training plan?
This is impressive! Very cool!