Overall this last week was just so-so for workouts. At the end of last week Cannon started to come down with a cold and shared it with me. We also spent a few sleepless nights up with a sick Bulldog.

Spent the morning at an emergency vet visit when things just haven’t seemed right with Humphry for the last couple days. The vet thinks he has a back injury (luckily his spine looks okay). After a very large bill we were sent home with meds and instructions to rest. Not how we wanted to spend Valentine’s Day but we sure love this little pup.
Luckily Humphry seems to be making a full recovery but losing sleep to a sick pup and time spent at the vet meant that I missed all but one of my strength trainings this week. I am still trying to recover from this nasty cold and just doing the best I can.
Monday: Cannon had a Valentine’s Day party to attend in the morning so I finally made it to the gym in the afternoon for an hour of intervals on the elliptical.

Add this to the list of things I haven’t done since the 4th grade….spent the morning addressing valentines for Cannon’s little friends.
Tuesday: Missed my morning workout again but got to the gym for 45 minutes of hills on the treadmill.
Wednesday:I did manage to get up for an early morning full body strength workout. After a morning spent with the vet and assurances that Humphry would likely be fine we didn’t feel like trying to get to the gym. So we celebrates Valentines day with lots of cuddles and play.
Thursday: Missed my morning session again, just shows how easy it is to get out of a habit. I did get to the gym for 45 minutes on the elliptical.
Friday: Friday was the morning that I really started to feel sick so I stayed in bed, rested and let Cory take Cannon to gymnastics without me. I hated missing it but knew I would be a better mom/person if I got some rest. In the afternoon I decided I might feel better with some movement so we headed to the gym and I got 50 minutes of hills on the treadmill.
Saturday & Sunday: Nothing! This cold is nasty and it’s difficult to sleep and breathe and just function in general. The weather was beautiful over the weekend so we spent time outside playing between getting errands done.
I have really missed being outside and I am really looking forward to spring weather and getting out on more walks with Cannon. And really looking forward to early morning runs in June.
Happy Running Everyone!