Happy Earth Day! I hope you found a way to celebrate the earth and the beauty of nature.

Cory had to work but the kids and I got to run up to Rocky Mountain National Park. Seemed fitting since it’s national parks week.

We found Lumpy Ridge to hike since most of the trails deeper in the park are still covered in snow.

There were so manny wild flowers and bees and birds out.

Lots of stairs, a couple tumbles and a few tears but it was all worth it for the views and the time out together.

After our hike we grabbed lunch then stopped at a playground.

This season of life where the kids love to play and move their bodies is the best. Anytime I can say yes to a playground I will.

On the way home we grabbed a pie to share with Cory to make up for leaving him out of our adventure.

How did you celebrate the earth today?