This morning started out nice a relaxing and spread up from there. I woke up to about three inches of fluffy white snow =)I took my coffee and Racing weight into our hearth room to read and watch the snow fall. Our 8 mile run had to be moved inside because of the snow so off the (VERY packed) gym we went for 82 minuets on the treadmill. We then hurried home for a quick shower and ice bath, helpful but so painful. I didn’t have much time so I raced around trying to pack and ended up with a 48 pound bag, yikes!
I am now sitting in Denver International airport waiting to fly to New York City for a meeting about evaluating Professional Development. This is my exciting reading for the plane:
I will also hopefully have time to read this book:
Hmmmm, do you think the gummy bears are helping me reach my race weight?
Off to the east coast, catch you all on the flip side.