Well, it was fun while it lasted…..

In August Cannon got to go back to preschool, just two days a week, but it was still nice for him to go and see his teachers and friends. Then in October he got to go back full time (three hours a day, four days a week) he had more friends to play with and loved it even more.

Unfortunately our Covid numbers here in Colorado have gotten really bad and the state has moved our county back into threat level orange.

So now ALL students will return home for distance learning until (AT LEAST) January. While I am not excited about this development, Cannon LOVES school, I understand why we need to and really hope we can get back to safer levels.

Cannon’s teachers are working hard to create distance learning oppertunities for their students. We are going to miss them so much.
Before the news of schools closing came I got up at 4:09 AM (why 4:09 not 4:00 or 4:10 I don’t know…..)

I got up, got some coffee in then ran just under seven progression miles on the treadmill. The silver lining about Cannon not going to school is getting more time with him as well as more relaxed mornings. Since we don’t have to rush to get out the door by 7:30 for school then maybe I will run outside more!

I decided to clear all the records out of my watch. I haven’t reset it since I got it in 2016 so I though it would be fun to set a bunch of new records (and celebrate them) as I come back from this injury.

I also got excited about putting the “candy cane”straw in my tumbler. It’s the little things that make me happy. Christmas is slowly starting to trickle into our house.

Cold weather has arrived here and honestly masks are not as bad in to winter, it actually keeps my face warm while walking the kids to school.
We spent the evening making soup and hanging out. Cory had a meeting with a consultant to possibly have solar panels placed on our house.
Do you reset your records on your watch ever?
If you have kids are they learning from home or at school?
If you celebrate has Christmas started to show up at your house or do you wait until after Thanksgiving?
I would love to know the outcome of your PV panel installation! Does CO do net metering? We have panels here in HI but you would think we’d be getting a lot of sunshine, but apparently, the sun score is higher there than here! I’m curious how many panels would generate enough energy to keep the costs down over there!