On Monday my brother had to make a horrible heart wrenching decision. He had to make the selfless choice to let the sweetest dog I have ever met go so he could end his suffering.
Colby was the sweetest dog I have ever met, he never met a person or dog who he didn’t instantly love. Even if another dog would bit him, he would just assume they wanted to play with him and they were best friends.
He loved to go camping
Colby- I loved being your auntie, you were the sweetest most beautiful dog I have ever met. The world is a little bit darker without you.
You gave us 11 wonderful years before cancer took you, we will miss you.
I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a family pet is very difficult. I am sending my prayers to y’all!
I’m sorry for you loss. He looks like the sweetest dog ever. It’s funny my family has a golden, they all have the look of adoring everything on their face. As if they are generally excited about everything in life (something to aspire to).
Awww…I have a golden mix that definitly has teh golden personality! Total People Dog. They really are the sweetest! He’s a year and a half and I already dread when we have to say goodbye to him.
This absolutely breaks my heart for you guys. It is amazing how much joy our pups bring to our lives.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m a huge animal lover and cherish my own pup. They are the most innocent, lovable creatures!
My thought and prayers go out ot you and your family for your loss