Most triathletes a gear junkies, and have to admit Cory and I are too. We spent almost all day running around looking for triathlon stuff, spending way too much money and we still have a long list of stuff we “need”. We came home will this haul today:
We ended up at Runners Roost this morning before heading out for a run trying to replace my trail shoes. They didn’t have my size but they did have 50% off triathlon apparel. We happily stocked up on tri shorts, running shorts, a running skirt, deck sandals and some nutrition or “treats” as Cory calls them. We ended up at REI, Target, Bike Village and another Runners Roost by the end of the day.
Somewhere in there we did get our run in. We went to Bear Creek Lake Park where we could enjoy the fall colors.
Check out my new running skirt from Skirt Sports. Love it!
Cory took a video of me running so I could see my form. He didn’t tell me he was filming, and I am glad he didn’t because I think I would have ran weird if I had known. check out my “heel whip” on my left side. since my femur is twisted in at my hip socket I tend to whip my foot like this. This is actually an improvement from a few months ago. I will keep working on it…baby steps.
Earlier this week Julie from You Just have to TRI! gave me The Versatile Blogger Award
There are a few basic rules with this award:
- You have to thank the giver and provide a link to the post
- Share 7 random facts about yourself
- Award 15 other newly discovered blogs the same award
So first off thanks Julie!
Now seven random facts about me:
- My favorite color is purple
- One of my favorite things in the world is classic coke, but I rarely drink it
- I was once a zoo keeper and worked mostly with great apes, hippos and rhinos
- I love fashion but don’t talk about it much here because this is a triathlon/running blog
- My house was built in 1928 and I am secretly afraid it is falling down
- I was TERRIFIED to learn how to ride my bike with clipless pedals (ofcourse this means that I was clipped in)
- My first “real” job was a college math teacher and I sometimes miss it
The rules say I should nominate new blogs but I am going to bend the rules and just list some that I love, Julie nominated all colorado bloggers so I will skip those and list some other ones that if you don’t read you should!
Cotter Crunch
Adventure is Out There
Detroit Runner
Team Oravec
Run Jess Run
Blonde Ponytail
Miles, Muscles & Mommyhood
Tall Mom on the Run
Kimbo’s Breakfast
Miles, Miles and More Miles
Feet in Motion…
I Dream of Running
Happy Saturday night everyone!
Aw, thanks for including me Beth!! You are looking fabulous in your skirt!
I’m flattered to be on your list Beth! Okay, so you were a zoo keeper and a college math teacher? Forgive for not knowing and especially if it is in this post…what do you do now? I’m scared even asking that question because you probably have it written all over your blog and I am just selling myself out as a bad blogger but I really care and want to know so I’m asking. Sorry it has been so long since I’ve commented.
Wow, you were a zoo keeper. That is really cool!
You’re the best – thank you for putting me on this list 🙂 🙂
That skirt looks AWESOME on you!!
And zoo keeper? How bad ass are YOU? Ha!
Thanks so much for putting me on the list. A GOOD list! Will be posting soon!
I STILL don’t wear clipless pedals while mountain biking! I am too scared!