Unfortunately this weekends plans were thrown off course. Cory and I had planned to drive down to Salida Saturday morning for the Run Through Time Half Marathon Trail Race. I was excited for this race and while I knew it would be hard, I was excited for the challenge and to see how I would do in this type of race.
Friday night we drove up to my parents house to drop our dogs off for some puppy sitting.
Even though we weren’t leaving until morning, I don’t think my mom and dad would appreciate us dropping off our dogs at 4 am.
After dropping off the “kids” we grabbed some sandwiches from a little shop near my parent’s house to eat on the way home. We got home and headed to bed early since we had an early wake up call. I will save you the gory details but Cory spent most of the night up very sick. Poor thing ate something that his body wasn’t happy about. We discussed what to do about the race. Cory understandably said he wasn’t up for running, while I was fine I didn’t want to have to drive six hours by myself to run (or have Cory drive me while sick) after losing a lot of sleep myself. We made the difficult decision to miss the race and DNS. These things happen but it was a bummer. The really sad thing was that by 7am when we got up Cory was feeling completely better but there wasn’t enough time to get to Salida for the start.
The good news was Cory was feeling good enough to get some training in and it was BEAUTIFUL out so we grabbed our bikes and rode a nice 60 miles out around Boulder.
On Sunday we made up for missing our half marathon by running 15.5 miles along one of my favorite paths.
I can’t wait for the trees to get their leaves, I am ready for spring! The weather has been so warm that I ran in a tank and got a slight sun burn. I would have liked to head to a hillier trail but we were limited on time so kept in simple.
After our run we had a lot of errands to run but an iced coffee made it painless.
How was your weekend?
Bummer about the sickness and the race but you did the right thing.
I have DNSed several times because of injuries. Not fun but sometimes necessary.
This weekend I did a lot hiking and laundry!
AGH! I had my first DNS in November for a snowshoe race and although it was the right decision, it always makes me feel weird. I think you made a good choice though!
Yep! Just once. Saturday we had done the coldest, wettest, most painful rides I had ever done. I never wanted to be outside again after 3 hours in 40 degree pouring rain. It was still cold and rainy on the Sunday and I decided I do this for fun and nothing about racing that day sounded fun so I didn’t go and never regretted the decision once!
I have DNS on my record, life just happens
Sorry about the race! It was a beautiful weekend though for sure.
I don’t have a DNS… yet…but stuff happens.
I DNS a race this weekend too. It sucked but it was the right decision for me.
Sounds very interesting! I will check this out! 1 bedroom house plans
Your dogs are SO cute! I have a pug, as well, her name is Ali. They are SO stinkin’ cute! My blog is pugmamastace.com if you wanna see some pics of my little Tater Tot 🙂
I just saw you on Skinnyrunner and thought that maybe you lived in Denver from the zoo photo. I saw your highline photo though and knew exactly where that was! I love that trail! I’m normally a little south of there walking my Chihuahua. Sounds silly but all 10 lbs of her walked 10 miles the past 3 days.
Your pug is ADORABLE! mine says hi! I am a follower as long as you promise to share cute photos of your baby : )
I have had to DNS many many races. All because of my pnuemonia that USED to riddle me down a few times a year. My worse one was Little Rock. Lost plane tickets and the race fee. So sad!
I have two Pugs too…such great pets! Saw your post on SR and wanted to wish you well with training!