I have posted about growth mindset before but I haven’t thought about it in a while and was reminded wile listening to a podcast about parenting how important it is for us but maybe even more important for our kids. I feel very motivated to try to instill a growth mindset for Cannon and Emerald. As a patent, educator and athlete I love these ideas:
One of the things that has been very impactful in my life has been learning about growth mindset.

I read the book Mindset by Carol Dweck and it was very enlightening. I highly recommend reading it if you haven’t already. Thinking of things in terms of the growth mindset impacts my teaching, parenting and hopefully it will impact my training as well.

When I am teaching I fully believe that all of my students can master the content I am teaching. I know to the depths of my soul that with the right effort they can all do it. Even though some of them will tell me that they are not good at math and have never been able to do it (fixed mindset).

In parenting when thinking of my children it’s easy for me to keep a growth mindset (for them). When they were learning to walk I never once thought they would never learn how, I just knew they would keep trying and some day it would just click. And they clearly felt the same, they didn’t seem bothered when they fell down they just kept trying.

It also didn’t bother them that Sally down the street started walking at 10 month and they didn’t start until 14 months. It seems that a growth mindset is our natural way of being and somehow we learn to sometimes have a fixed mindset.

Where I struggle with overcoming a fixed mindset is for myself and lately with my training. I am trying to shift the voice in my head from things being hard, that I am not naturally good at certain things and getting discouraged to growth mindset of taking responsibility and focusing on hard work and improving.
So now I am working on shifting into a growth mindset for myself.
reading, researching and putting in the work. It happens to be one of the things I would really like to help my kids remember also for the rest of their lives!
What is the last book you read that had a profound impact on your life?