Todays “run” consisted of both kids in the stroller, out feeling way colder than I expected. I am keeping things short and easy while my lungs heal (like my doctor suggested). I have decided to track time instead of milage for the first few weeks. I don’t want to get caught up trying to run too much, or comparing now to years past. Time on your feet counts!

Hopefully next week I will be back on schedule.

Especially since the lottery drawing for the Mt. Hood 50 is tomorrow

there was a 66% chance of being drawn the day before so the chances are likely even lower now. Fingers crossed!
Today we took Emmy back to gymnastics. She went last session between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wasn’t sure about signing her up again because she didn’t always follow directions, but this time she loved it and I am so glad we stuck with it. She is so stinkin’ cute trying to hang on the bars and jumping around.

Throw back to Cannon when he took gymnastics at this same(ish) age.

Do you track your time, milage, neither?